Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

buying stuff for good

So, I usually think those beads from Africa are crappy looking. I'd rather donate money than get crappy beads, but I kinda like these. I think the 31 bits are prettier than the usual.

things I learned in Portland...

winking is not necessarily sexy.

I can't have kids, I will force them to be photographed with every cheesy mascot I see.

maybe I like cats, maybe.

I want to move there, yesterday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

dear neighbors, f-you

So twice now my neighbors have had movie night in the "common" lawn area in front of the condo units. They erect a giant television, blare the sound on their stupid action movie and don't invite anyone but themselves. The first time was somewhat low key. The second time they put out f-ing tee-kee torches. The whole yard was full of freaking flames. Then, they have the audacity to invite a puppy. A freaking puppy and they didn't have the courtesy to say, "hey neighbor, we're gonna be annoying with our loud tv and barking dog, wanna join us?  Beer for your trouble?".

So I'm retaliating with this, full blast on repeat:

checkmate bitches.

P.S. they had a bbq today with said dog. Common area my left bun.

cute overload, you've met your match

holy f-bomb puppies are cute.

for the little of feet

*which I'm not.

This store's shoes start at size 4.5. Although I'm not sure its your aesthetic or that they aren't being manufactured in Chinese sweat shops.

pretty stuff

I found a store that sells a plethora of white lacy things. I'm doomed.

facebook is creepy

Creepy, facebook is going to start doing facial recognition.

Wanna go to Paris?

You should enter this contest so we can go.

Turkish Foods

This place is supposed to be good for Turkish food.